Artistic background

Hi Everyone, Thank you for taking the time to view my profile.
My Name is Adrian Joseph Clarke but you can call me AJ.

I am a 40 year old self taught artist born and based in Wales, UK.
Since I was a child I have always had a great interest in how things were designed and made. Everything from Art, Architecture, Food, Technology, the list goes on. I cant help but look at the artistic side of things and the emotion, personality, vision and work that goes into them.

I have been crafting, drawing, gluing, painting, sculpting, sticking things and generally being creative since I can remember.
Back in primary school I was always better at the arts than I was at maths and science etc and it's been my way of life ever since.
I appreciate the work of most artists but I have to say the two people I am most grateful to for giving me the most inspiration is my mother, from watching her bake and decorate cakes ever since I was a boy, and Neil Buchanan. Art Attack not only gave me inspiration but also showed me the fun in creating.

I do not have any qualifications in art, I am self taught from studying books, videos and good old trial and error.
I don't have a favourite medium or subject, I create what my imagination/mood presents me with at that time or if I'm inspired, then I'll work with that. I love the feeling of excitement when the idea for a piece comes into my mind. I allow it to flow naturally, if it becomes a chore or laboured, I can lose interest.

I suffer with anxiety and depression, I was diagnosed in 2015 but it worsened throughout 2016 as I went through a series of personal, emotional events. Art is therapy for my mental health (one reason why its important that it doesn't feel laboured). Sometimes my mental health leads to the creation of my pieces, so I make the most of using it as a medium.

There are so many talented artists out there and the competition is fierce. I really try to be different and aim to discover something that's my own, which is a mighty challenge in this world as a lot of it has already been done.

I have sold my artwork in the past but due to my mental health, and the previously mentioned events, I had to take a break. It gives me such joy knowing that someone likes my work and even more so, that they like it that much to want it in their space. I've had work in exhibitions before and am hopeful that it will come again in the near future. My aim is to be a full time artist as it has always been my dream. It is time to make that happen.

Any questions related to my work please feel free to contact me via email:
Kind regards to all.


I am an 80's and 90's child so I love nostalgia based around that era.
Here's a quick simple list of my interests: Art, gaming, Marvel, Simpsons, movies/tv series/sitcoms, wrestling, dogs, walks, fitness, holidays, good food, sleep, cooking, reading and driving.

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