Artistic background

Beth exhibits widely with paintings held in private collections in the UK and overseas. She is an Alumni of West Dean College Chichester

Studying and working at West Dean inspired and influenced Beth to develop and transition her work into a surreal and imaginative genre.
Influenced by the work of artists Charlotte Solomon, Miro, Picasso and Leonora Carrington, Beth's work has taken a new exciting direction, creating surprising, thrilling and intriguing image
Motivated by her imagination and memories, which play a major part in the approach to design and content, a wonderful fusion of colours and images are seen in her work.
Whilst studying at West Dean Beth visited Addenbrooke's Hospital to watch a
Prostatectomy operation. Drawings and notes were made followed by a book of watercolour, charcoal and pencil drawings which was exhibited at West Dean and at The Embassy Tea Gallery in London.
Beth recently worked as Artist in Residence at a Cambridge School,
The Criminology Department at Cambridge University
Beth's innovative new sculpture work is the outcome of a co-operation with local blacksmith Henrich Zelinka.
Sculpture ‘Mary’ is on loan to St Peter’s Church Barton Cambridge
sculptures were displayed in the Chancel


An artist is not paid for her labour but for her Vision.

adapted from James Whistler


Art is my way of life,Each day is a sort of Wisdom.
Being outdoors bring so much joy and interest.
There is so much to see either in Cornwall where the light is so amazing. or in Yorkshire where the air brings so many mysteries.
or in Cambridge with its beautiful villages.

I study light and shadow and work with natural minerals to paint.
Colour is vital.
My imagination creates most of my work both in poetry and painting.

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