Textured oil on canvas paintings as well as limited edition prints.

Artistic background

Born in Kenya then later moved to Sussex at the age of 13. I studied art at school, college & then an art & design degree at Lincoln University. I later acquired my PGCE in art, design & media at Brighton University to inspire other artists.

The desire to become a full time professional artist was more recent & personal. I wanted to create my own brand of hand made textured art that also incorporated older painting techniques. My concept is ‘Sense of Place’. I take places I’ve been, people I’ve met, books I’ve read & create modern art with a vintage edge.

I work in oils using brush & palette knives. Influenced by Turners underpainting technique to create illuminating light from within the painting, then fuse it with a textured base for a contemporary twist. The works on here have been featured in House & garden & have been exhibited at Goodwood, Kensington Art Fair & Art Basel in San Fransisco.


Inspired by Turners underpainting technique on creating illuminating art with a contemporary twist.


I love all kinds of art and enjoy live music. Travelling and exploring new cultures and places has always been important to me. Swimming, dancing, photography & tennis are also up there as my favourite things to do when I’m not it the studio.

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