Elena David
Ashford, MiddlsexArtistic background
Elena David is an artist that creates artworks in realist and impressionist style.For almost 10 years of studding fine art in Moldova, cultivated and improved art skills, she graduated the college and university with splendid results.
She found herself to be passionate and inspired mainly from surroundings, nature, people's faces and also unveil the state of the moment on the canvas.
By practicing Plein air helps to embody the kaleidoscope of nature, desiring to be as much possible closer to its unique beauty.
Painting the portraits she has an impel to outline the features of the person in the way she could express and maintain as maximum veracity.
The media in what she works doesnt limit , there are mainly oil painting, pastel, watercolor, ink, etc.
many of her works are in the private collections, such countries as Moldova, the UK, France, Romania, Greece, Spain and Canada.