Artistic background

I have studied fine art for 7 years and achieved a BA from Lancaster University in 2021. My art practice focuses primarily on non-dualism - the inherent awareness of self, which can be accessed by the disillusion of the ego. Throughout my art practice, I have approached self-portraiture in a phenomenological way, exploring the interrelationship between body and mind. These pieces are first and foremost an expression of a power struggle between the artist, the art object and the observer. I work with a pallet knife and oil paint using an impasto technique and pair this with a photo realistic interpretation of certain facial features. I utilise life-size scale to build a direct and meaningful connection with the audience. The stark contrast between colour, style, and texture creates a physiologically challenging portrait which disturbs and unsettles the viewer. The glassy, beady nature of the eyes underpins this confrontation. Each portrait is, and should be treated as, an experience - an experience which is jarring and uncomfortable. This feeling represents the challenge of non-dualism in the form of self.

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