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- Norwegian Summer
- Mick Sargent
- Pastels
- Curvy Figure - Back
- Carmen Tyrrell
- Pastels
- Red panda painting
- Raissa Kagan
- Pastels
- Lovers - Kiss and Coffee
- Carmen Tyrrell
- Pastels
- Weeley Hall Woods
- Lorna Lancaster ASEA
- Pastels
- Golden retriever with pheasant
- Taylor Rendall
- Pastels
- Rainbow Figure Stretching
- Carmen Tyrrell
- Pastels
- Autumn Vision
- Carole Busby
- Pastels
- Silversonic
- Mariusz Krzysztof Anisko
- Pastels
- Sunset bay
- Carole Busby
- Pastels
- Cat in a bow tie pastel painting
- Raissa Kagan
- Pastels
- Summer Hay Day
- Lorna Lancaster ASEA
- Pastels
- Middle Fell
- Mick Sargent
- Pastels
- Rainbow Figure 2
- Carmen Tyrrell
- Pastels
- “Breath of summer”
- Anna Kosteniuk
- Pastels
- In the Coniston Fells
- Mick Sargent
- Pastels
- Coots in Sunlit Water
- Louisa Saffioti
- Pastels
- Scratch That Itch
- Lorna Lancaster ASEA
- Pastels
- Eagle Eyed
- Christine Ingram
- Pastels
- "Just feel it"
- Anna Kosteniuk
- Pastels
- Shih Tzu pastel painting
- Lorna Lancaster ASEA
- Pastels
- Human Study 14
- Mariusz Krzysztof Anisko
- Pastels
- Rockwood Hound 2
- Brian Halton
- Pastels
- The Lookout
- Eileen Hood
- Pastels