Dick Martin
We are currently on holiday. We will be back soon.
Artistic background
My work is nearly always conceptual. For me it is what the work represents, the creative thinking behind the image, which is of the greatest interest. Inspiration comes from an eclectic range of sources such as old and new philosophical ideas, popular culture, science, dance, poetry, mythology and ancient sources. After studying the Philosophy of Art at university I gradually became a practitioner as well as a passionate follower of Art. I now have work all over the world which is wonderful.These sculptures are made with a direct honesty to the nature of the material. Clay is a wonderful material that can be pulled, squashed, shaped and squeezed. It takes an impression like no other material and, being a basic "earth" material, it is a joy to work with. Natural and manufactured objects are used to make impressions and produce strong textures. The work shows the way as it progresses into a finished piece. The hand becomes as important as the eye and the mind.
"Our father Adam sat under the Tree and scratched with a stick in the mould; And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his might heart, Till the Devil whispered behind the leaves, "It's pretty, but is it Art?" " Rudyard KiplingInterests
ArtA Selection of recent Exhibitions and Events
Abri d’Art, Vanxains, France - SOLO
The Fisherton Gallery, Salisbury
The Art Café, Winchester - SOLO
Modern Artists Gallery, Pangbourne, Berkshire
The Salamanda Gallery, Westerham, Kent
Nevill Gallery, Canterbury
The Turner Gallery, Exeter
Start Gallery, Brighton
The Art House, Westbourne, West Sussex
Montpellier Gallery, Stratford-upon-Avon
Artisan Gallery, London: - joint exhibition
Churchill's Gallery, London "Recent Works"
Accepts Commissions?
- Khnum - Ram Headed Ancient Egyptian God - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Nekhbet - Vulture Headed Ancient Egyptian Goddess - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Anubis Jackal Headed Ancient Egyptian God - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Bastet - Cat Headed Ancient Egyptian Goddess - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Set - Mythological Animal Headed Ancient Egyptian God - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Thoth - Ibis Headed Ancient Egyptian God - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ammit - Crocodile Headed Ancient Egyptian Goddess - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Tefnut - Lioness Headed Ancient Egyptian Goddess - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Apis - Bull Headed Ancient Egyptian God - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Mentuhotep - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Merneptah - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Thutmose - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Khufu - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Seti - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Nefertiti - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Khafre - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Siptah - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Amenemhat - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Taharqa - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Akhenaten - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Shabti - Ancient Egyptian Figure – Servant to Ramesses - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- UFO Watchers - “Must be an invasion” - Ceramic Sculptures - (Pair)
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- UFO Watchers - “The mothership is in those clouds” - Ceramic Sculptures - (Pair)
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- UFO Watchers - “Look, they are over there” - Ceramic Sculptures - (Pair)
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- UFO Watchers - “Over there, they're flying in formation” - Ceramic Sculptures - (Pair)
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Enceladus, Ancient Greek Giant
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Erato, Muse of Love Poetry
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Norse Deity - Brünnhilde, a Valkyrie - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Norse Deity - Gefjun, Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Norse Deity - Beautiful Freyja - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Mythological Giant, Benandonner - Legendary Scottish Giant - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Mythological Giant, Rhitta Gawr - Legendary Welsh Giant - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Calypso, a beautiful nymph in Homer's Odyssey
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Luna (Selene) - Goddess of the Moon
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Persephone, Goddess of Spring
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Pair of Stargazer Figures - Looking for Life, Metis - Ceramic Sculptures
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking for Life, Metis - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking for Life, Thebe - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking for Life, Io - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking for Life, Europa - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Pair of Stargazer Figures - Looking for Life, Callisto - Ceramic Sculptures
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking for Life, Ganymede - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking for Life, Callisto - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Pair of Stargazer Figures - Looking At Canis Major - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking At Canis Minor - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking At Canis Major - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking At The Sombrero Galaxy - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking At The Andromeda Galaxy - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Pair of Stargazer Figures - Looking At Orion - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking At Betelgeuse - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking At Orion - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Sentinel Figure - Watching for Serenity - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Sentinel Figure - Watching for Confidence - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Sentinel Figure - Watching for Compassion - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Sentinel Figure - Watching for Altruism - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Persephone Goddess of Spring
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Theseus Enters The Labyrinth
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Ariadne Saves Theseus
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Achilles, The Greatest of Greek Heroes
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Gaia, Earth Goddess
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Ganymede, Most Beautiful of Mortals
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Sculpture - Semele, an Immortal and Goddess
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Mythological Giant, Fasolt, Builder of Valhalla - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Mythological Giant, Fafner, Builder of Valhalla - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Norse Deity - Helmwige, a Valkyrie - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Norse Deity - Siegrune, a Valkyrie - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Norse Deity - Waltraute, a Valkyrie - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Norse Deity - Brünnhilde, a Valkyrie - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Norse Deity - Odin (Wotan), Revered Foremost God - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Mythological Giant, Gogmagog - Legendary English / Cornish Giant - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Norse Deity - Frigg, Goddess of Valhalla - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- UFO Watchers - “Must be the mothership.” - Ceramic Sculptures - (Pair)
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- UFO Watchers - “Yes, definitely a flying saucer” - Ceramic Sculptures - (Pair)
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture
- Stargazer Figure - Looking for Neptune - Ceramic Sculpture
- Dick Martin
- Sculpture